









The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679











The Millennium Efforts of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to establish a new legal framework regulating the problem of processing personal data of citizens of the European Union and the free movement of such data have led to the creation of the General Data Protection Regulation (abbreviated GDPR)

The GDPR requires that any organization that processes data of citizens of the European Union (but also all non-EU citizens, but only reside within its frameworks) in order to comply with the new rules on personal data protection.

Whether you are just new in the field of GDPR or you are dealing with the issues relevant to GDPR since its publication, whether your organization is preparing to approach the implementation of solutions that are compatible with the requirements of GDPR or have already done so - our consultants and the network of our partners and partner organizations will help you to adequately respond to the challenges ahead of you.

* A multilingual version of the General Regulation on the protection of persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and the entry into force of Directive 95/46 / EC is available on this link.

Our GDPR consulting services include:

1. Gap analysis of compliance of your business with the applicable GDPR requirements and the development of a comprehensive compliance report in accordance with the findings of the gap analysis

2. Implementation of applicable GDPR requirements in your business through the establishment and implementation of appropriate processes and the production of necessary documented information.

3. Preparation of the necessary documentation in the form of standards and recommendations according to the GDPR regulations

4. Programs for improvement of the existing implemented solutions (relevant gap analysis of existing solutions and recommendations for general improvements, assistance in the improvement of specific processes, tools, techniques and other solutions, training and presentation with the aim of raising awareness about general or individual areas from domains relevant to GDPR and training on the implementation of individual solutions (on the whole offer of training more in the section: training), etc.).

5. Creation and implementation of individual documents, processes, tools, techniques, and other solutions, at the request of the client.

6. Full consultative support on issues related to GDPR and its application

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