Each waste producer carries with it the responsibility of waste management, which includes certain obligations.
The Law on Waste (Official Gazette RS, No. 36/2009 and 88/2010) clearly defines, among other types, waste classification, waste management planning, waste management entities, as well as responsibilities and obligations in waste management.
The owner of the waste, i.e. the operator, is obliged to classify the waste in the prescribed manner and submit reports to the Agency in accordance with the law. The Law on Waste Management foresees a fine of 1,500,000 to 3,000,000 dinars in cases where companies do not perform operations in accordance with the waste management plan. Criminal measures include the prohibition of performing certain economic activity, and for the responsible person in question a prohibition of performing duties for up to ten years.
Our experienced lecturers have created a training program that will enable you to develop your individual, team and organizational competencies to enhance the knowledge and skills of your employees and/ or partners of your organization and enable them to best suit themselves for business challenges in related waste management and environmental protection.